
Rude Callers! If you have been in Customer Service for at least 10 minutes you have had a Rude Caller. We all have had them! If you can master the rude call, you can become the KING or QUEEN of Customer Service!

Many people ask, "Why Bother$%:" with rude callers$%: Just put them on permanent hold, or better yet, transfer them directly to the Manager. "I'm sending you right into Barbara's office" or "Let me see if Bob is available right now." If they call back again give them some more hold, right! The third time around, transfer them directly to Satan. "Satan, pick up line one, Satan." (That actually came from a recent seminar participant)

It's because once you win them over they will be your best customers! For Life! And they will tell all of their close friends and relatives about you. And even better, recommend that those people only do business with you.

Fail and they will be your worst customers and they will tell everyone they ever knew about you! Even people they don't know. Ever overhear a conversation that started with "I know exactly what you mean, I went there once..." between two people who were complete strangers 30 seconds earlier$%:

Let's take a look at Mrs. Smith's example.

She calls in with a real concern about the widget she just purchased and in the process she tells you about her husband who died a year ago, and she lives alone, and her sons and daughters hate her, and she has a house full of cats, and she is now on the phone calling and demanding to know why her widget does not operate the way it was explained to her by the "Nice young Salesman, and I don't know why you would put an old lady through this and don't you people get it! I need some customer service and saying sorry is not customer service and you are no help, get the manager on the phone I want to speak with him!"

This is where you get a chance to highlight your Professionalism and Skills. The key here is to understand where Mrs. Smith is coming from. She really needs help, and your job is to leave aside all of your feelings and judgments and get to the task at hand, which is providing that help.

It might be helpful to do a few things first. Sit up, lean forward, listen, don't interrupt and allow Mrs. Smith to fully explain all that she needs to.

Now that you have an understanding, you can "then be understood." Your acknowledgment and action statement might sound something like this.

"Mrs. Smith I can certainly understand your frustration with our widgets. I am sorry you are experiencing some difficulties with it; however, I think I have a solution for this situation. If you could please look at page 3 of the owners' manual, I can walk you through the steps over the phone and see if we can resolve it. Do you have the owners' manual handy$%:" And it continues on from there.

The language used is not as important as is the Care and Real Desire to help someone who may not have anyone else to call or ask for assistance. You, as the Customer Service Professional, may be the only person in Mrs. Smith's world that day that has a genuine concern and the opportunity to make a real impact and help her. You really need to "put on her shoes and walk a mile."

And the real lesson here is that you have to care enough to want to make a difference.
The responsibility for your Professionalism lies with you. So practice your listening skills, write out your response script and be professional!
Oh, and answer the phone, its Mrs. Smith again.

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